

Housed at Station 2

2006 Pierce Enforcer
1500GPM/750 Gal. water
Husky Foam System with CAFS
6 man cab
1500 ft 5″ Supply Line
6 Preconnected Attack Lines

Squad 12 Housed at Station 1

 2017 Pierce Enforcer
1500GPM/600 Gal. water

Husky Foam System with CAFS
1200 ft 5″ Supply Line
6 Preconnected Attack Lines, Amkus 240 SS with Cutters and Spreaders



Housed at Station 1
2000 Pierce Saber
1500GPM/500 Gal. water
6 man cab
1500 ft 5″ Supply Line
6 Preconnected Attack Lines

Truck 12

Housed at Station 1
2009 Pierce Velocity
100′ Rearmount Platform
2000 GPM/300 Gal. of Water
6 man cab
500 ft of 5″ Supply Line


Housed at Station 2

2013 Pierce Velocity
3 Amkus Power units
2 Amkus 32″ Spreaders
Amkus “O” Cutters
Amkus Speedway Cutters
Amkus Heavey Duty 22 Cutters
“Rescue 42” Struts
Paratech Airbag System
Various Rope Rescue  Equipment

(picture courtesy of Jason Coleman-Cobb)