Box 23-96 was transmitted at 1239 this afternoon for a motor vehicle accident with injuries on US Route 15 NB, mile marker 39.2 in Upper Allen Township. Engine 3-12 (Asst. Chief Sheely) with 4 and Squad 12 (Capt.
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Overmiller) with 3 were both enroute at 1243. Chief 23 (Salter) AOS to find a two vehicle MVA that ended off the roadway. Engine 3-12 and Squad 12 both arrived simultaneously and assisted Engine 1-23 with patient extrication. Company 12 returned available at 1320.
Command: Chief 23 (Salter)
Units on scene: Engines 1-23 & 3-12; Squad 12; Ambulances 82 & 74; Upper Allen PD
Earlier in the day, crews from Company 12 were dispatched for a motor vehicle accident in Fairview Township, York County and a chimney fire in Lemoyne.